Senate Meets House of Origin Deadline, Flavored Tobacco Ban Measure Advances
Today, the California State Senate met its deadline to advance measures introduced in their house of origin, concluding a busy week of floor sessions throughout the week. While the bulk of the Legislature’s focus remained on the 2020 Budget Act this week, the Senate deliberated and advanced numerous measures to the Assembly for further consideration.
Recall, the Assembly began its summer recess upon adjournment of session last Friday, June 19. However, the Assembly was called back to Sacramento today to finish its work on remaining budget trailer bills prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year on July 1.
Below, we highlight several bills of interest to CHEAC Members. For a full update, the CHEAC Weekly Bill Chart is available here.
Tobacco Control
SB 793 (Hill) as amended June 18, 2020 – SUPPORT
Senator Jerry Hill’s SB 793 on Thursday was advanced from the Senate Floor to the Assembly on a 33-4 vote with three members not voting. Recall, the measure would prohibit the sale of all flavored tobacco products, including mint and menthol, statewide. The measure was recently amended in the Senate Appropriations Committee to exempt flavored shisha tobacco products sold by hookah tobacco retailers.
Public Health Emergency Preparedness
SB 862 (Dodd) as amended June 18, 2020 – WATCH
SB 862 by Senator Bill Dodd was passed to the Assembly on a unanimous 40-0 vote on Thursday. The measure would add a deenergization event as a condition qualifying a state or local emergency in statute. SB 862 also expands existing law defining what electrical corporations must include in their wildfire mitigation plans by including consideration for those with access and functional needs (AFN). Electrical corporations would be required to coordinate with local governments in its service territory to identify sites in jurisdictions where community resource centers can be established and operated during a deenergization event and the level of services that will be available at the centers.