Newsom Administration Issues Guidance Requiring Face Coverings Statewide
On Thursday, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued guidance requiring individuals to wear face coverings statewide when in most settings outside of the home.
Individuals must wear face coverings when inside of, or in line to enter, any indoor public space, obtaining services from a healthcare sector setting, waiting for or riding on public transit, private care service, or ride-sharing vehicle, engaged in work, and while outdoors in public spaces when physical distancing is not feasible, among other circumstances. Thursday’s guidance includes specified exemptions, including among children aged two and under, persons with a medical, mental health, or developmental disability that prevents wearing a face covering, and persons who are engaged in outdoor work or recreation when they are able to maintain physical distancing.
In a statement, Governor Gavin Newsom indicated, “Science shows that face coverings and masks work. … Simply put, we are seeing too many people with faces uncovered – putting at risk the real progress we have made in fighting the disease.” The guidance took effect immediately and does not include an end date.
The full guidance is available here.