Legislature Passes Additional Budget Trailer Bills

On Monday, the Legislature passed nine additional budget trailer bills, most notably the health and human services omnibus bills. Recall last Friday, the Legislature passed the main 2018-19 budget bill and a handful of related trailer bills, meeting the June 15 constitutional deadline for passing a budget.

As highlighted in last week’s CHEAC budget memo, the health omnibus bill (AB 1810) included several public health- and health care-related funding and language provisions such as the California Perinatal Equity Initiative, needle exchange program authorization, Council on Health Care Delivery Systems, and the Health Care Cost Transparency Database.

The human services omnibus (AB 1811) included funding for the CalWORKs Home Visiting Initiative Program and the California Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Project, among a number of other significant human services-related investments.

The budget trailer bills passed on Monday are now with Governor Jerry Brown, where he has 30 days to take action on the bills. Please note, a handful of trailer bills are still awaiting legislative action including No Place Like Home, Proposition 56 Medi-Cal Funding and Disaster Response.