Legislative Leaders and Administration Continue Budget Negotiations, Conference Committee to Close Out Items on Sunday

This week, the Budget Conference Committee heard remaining items that must be reconciled between the Assembly and Senate budget packages related to Health & Human Services, State Administration and General Government, and Public Safety, Corrections, and the Judiciary. Negotiations are now underway among legislative leaders and the Newsom Administration as all parties involved work to finalize the state spending plan for the upcoming fiscal year.

This morning, the Budget Conference Committee announced it will next be convening on Sunday afternoon to close out all conference committee items. Given the constitutional requirement for all bills to be in print for a minimum of 72 hours prior to being acted upon, the Legislature is anticipated to take up the full budget bill for a vote on Thursday next week, two days ahead of the June 15 constitutional deadline. Upon approval by the Legislature, the budget bill will then head to Governor Gavin Newsom for action.

CHEAC will provide relevant updates as additional details emerge from ongoing budget negotiations and budget trailer bills are introduced next week.