IHSS/CCI heard in Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1
This week, the Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services heard In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) issues, including the Governor’s action to discontinue the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) and the elimination of the county IHSS maintenance of effort (MOE).
The Assembly put forth a proposal that would:
- Increase the county MOE by $626 million and reinstitute the 3.5% cap on growth.
- Create a special fund to supplement 1991 Realignment funds until growth funds can fully cover the increased MOE. Once 1991 Realignment revenues are in excess of the MOE costs, Realignment growth would then replenish the state special funds.
- Continue statewide collective bargaining.
The Subcommittee did not move the proposal, but instead postponed a vote on the proposal for two weeks, until March 22, allowing counties additional time for consideration. The proposal was outlined in the agenda, beginning with page 13.
CHEAC has sent letters in opposition to the Governor’s action, which can be found here.