Governor’s Healthy California For All Commission Heard in Senate Sub. 3
On Thursday, the Governor’s proposal to rename and refocus the Council on Health Care Delivery Systems (Council), established by the 2018 Budget Act, to the Healthy California For All Commission (Commission) was heard in the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health and Human Services.
The California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHSA) provided a brief overview of the proposal, including reverting the $5 million expenditure authority for the current Council and providing it instead to the Commission. Commission membership would be expanded to 13 members and would include the Secretary of CHHSA, six members appointed by the Governor, three members appointed by the Senate Rules Committee, three members appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly and three ex-officio members (the Executive Director of Covered California, Director of the Department of Health Care Services, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Employees’ Retirement System).
CHHSA noted two reports that would be required of the Commission. The first report would be due July 2020 and would be an analysis of California’s existing health care delivery system and options for preparing to transition to a single-payer system. The second report would be due in 2021 and would detail options for key design considerations. Key components of that report would include eligibility and enrollment, benefits, provider participation and payments, cost containment, governance and administration, information technology investments, and the integration of federal spending on health care in California.
The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) noted the proposal represents a shift in the focus for the Commission and that previously activities were broader in understanding health care delivery systems and exploring various alternatives. The LAO indicated this proposal recasts and focuses the work on now bringing California into a single-payer system.
The Legislature raised questions around how the $5 expenditure authority would be utilized; however, a detailed plan was not presented at this time.
A link to hearing materials can be found here.
Trailer bill language can be found here.