Chronic Disease Prevention Leadership Project to Hold September Workshop in Redding
The CCLHO-CHEAC California Chronic Disease Prevention Leadership Project invites CHEAC Members to attend an upcoming workshop entitled “Advancing a Coordinated Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change Approach in Local Health Departments” on Thursday, September 28 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in Redding, California. Local health department leaders and NEOP managers from North Coast and Cascade counties who wish to learn more about how broad policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change can advance health department goals and the role of the NEOP program in promoting a more integrated approach to chronic disease are encouraged to attend.
Senior state leadership from Tobacco Control and NEOP will participate, providing an opportunity to engage in meaningful state/local dialogue on the issues involved in using state NEOP funding for PSE, and in integrating NEOP, tobacco, and other LHD chronic disease programs into a comprehensive approach in local communities. The event flyer is available here. For more information, please contact Lindsey McDermid at