CHEAC Hosts Successful Three-Day State Legislative Member Education Event
Throughout this week, numerous CHEAC Members met virtually with Senators, Assembly Members, and staff to highlight the role and value of local health departments in California. As part of the 2021 State Legislative Member Education Event, CHEAC had 26 members representing 17 local health departments, including a balance of large, medium, and small jurisdictions, conduct over 30 visits with legislator offices over three days this week. Notably, meetings included appointments with legislative leaders and staff of key committees, including budget committees.
CHEAC Members focused their discussions with legislators and their staff on numerous key issues to support local health departments, including CHEAC’s budget request for significant current fiscal year investments in COVID-19 testing, vaccination, and case investigation and contact tracing activities. CHEAC Members highlighted the urgent need for strengthening the public health infrastructure in California, including through an expanded public health workforce, and encouraged legislators to support CHEAC’s sponsored legislative bill and budget request related to a public health infrastructure study.
CHEAC extends our appreciation to those CHEAC Members that participated virtually amid COVID-19 response activities. We look forward to continuing to promote local health departments and their critical role in their jurisdictions to the Legislature.