CHEAC Hosts Successful 2018 Annual Meeting

Last week, CHEAC held its 2018 Annual Meeting in Sacramento, featuring an expanded lineup of plenary speakers, robust workshops, and additional programming. Nearly 130 local health department and agency directors, managers, and staff attended the conference and meeting.

Evaluations from the conference were very positive and indicated attendees found significant value in the expanded attendance from LHD leadership and staff, networking and best sharing opportunities, and the dynamic lineup of speakers and presenters. Given the new format of the meeting, CHEAC Staff welcomes any additional feedback and input from attendees as we plan future meetings. We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude to the 2018 Annual Meeting Planning Committee, CHEAC Executive Committee, and meeting sponsors and exhibitors.

All 2018 Annual Meeting materials, including the program and presentations, are available online here. Be sure to save the date for the 2019 Annual Meeting in Pasadena, California!