CDPH Releases Beyond the Blueprint Guidance
Today, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) published its Beyond the Blueprint Framework for Industry and Business Sectors ahead of the state’s anticipated June 15 retirement of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. Under the Beyond the Blueprint framework, all sectors listed in the current Blueprint Activities and Business Tiers Chart may return to normal operations with no capacity limitations or physical distancing.
Limited exceptions are in place for mega events, defined as large crowds greater than 5,000 individuals indoors or 10,000 individuals outdoors. Mega events may either have assigned or unassigned seating and may be either general admission or gated, ticketed and permitted events. Vaccine verification or negative testing is required for indoor mega events and recommended for outdoor mega events.
Further, under the state’s Beyond the Blueprint Framework, individuals are instructed to follow current CDPH Guidance for Face Coverings and travelers are instructed to follow CDC travel recommendations and CDPH’s travel advisory.
The Beyond the Blueprint Framework for Industry and Business Sectors will become effective June 15. The latest guidance is available here. A Q&A about the Beyond the Blueprint guidance is available here.