CBPP Determines Link Between SNAP and Improved Nutritional Outcomes, Lower Health Care Costs
In a study recently published by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is linked to improved health outcomes and lower health care costs. In a typical month in 2017, SNAP provided food assistance to nearly 42 million low-income Americans. Emerging research has shown:
- Food insecurity increases the risk of adverse health outcomes, complicates the ability to manage illness, and is linked to higher health care costs
- SNAP improves food security, offers benefits that enable families to purchase healthier foods, and frees up resources that can be used for health-promoting activities and health care
- SNAP is associated with improved current and long-term health, as well reduced health care costs
The CBPP report also discusses that changes in policies to improve access to SNAP benefits could provide short- and long-term relief to state Medicaid budgets. The full report is available here.