California Local Health Departments Applaud Newsom’s Investment to Address Infectious Diseases

The County Health Executives Association of California (CHEAC) and the Health Officers Association of California (HOAC) applaud Governor Newsom for the inclusion of $40 million to local health departments for prevention, testing, and treatment services in the FY 2019-20 May Revision.

CHEAC President and Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency Director Mimi Hall expresses gratitude, indicating, “Governor Newsom’s investment is a promising step toward strengthening the capacity of local health departments and will provide crucial flexible funding to prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases impacting our communities. We commend the Governor for acknowledging the essential work of California’s local health departments and look forward to partnering with the Newsom Administration to protect the health of Californians.”

Joint press release available here.

CHEAC and HOAC are statewide organizations representing California’s 58 county and three city health department and agency directors and physician health officers dedicated to the promotion, protection, and improvement of the health of all Californians.