APHA’s National Public Health Week 2018 Set for Next Week
The American Public Health Association’s (APHA) National Public Health Week (NPHW) is set to occur next week, April 2, 2018 – April 6, 2018. NPHW is utilized to highlight the ever-important work of public health in creating the healthiest nation in one generation. The week celebrates the power of prevention, advocacy for health and fair policies, the sharing of strategies for successful partnerships, and the championing of the role of a strong public health system.
During each day of National Public Health Week, a different public health area or topic critical to success in creating the healthiest nation will be highlighted:
- Monday, April 2: Behavioral Health
- Tuesday, April 3: Communicable Diseases
- Wednesday, April 4: Environmental Health
- Thursday, April 5: Injury and Violence Prevention
- Friday, April 6: Ensuring the Right to Health
More information about National Public Health Week 2018 is available here. Several events are also scheduled throughout the week, including a NPHW Forum with U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Monday, April 2 and a NPHW Twitter Chat on Wednesday, April 4. Additional event information is available here.