Many Bills Await Governor’s Action, Brown Signs AB 626
With just under 10 days remaining for Governor Jerry Brown to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature prior to their August 31 adjournment, many bills await the Governor’s action. Governor Brown has maintained a pace of approximately 50 bills per day, signing more bills than issuing vetoes.
On Tuesday, Governor Brown signed into law AB 626 (E. Garcia) which creates a new type of food facility defined as a “microenterprise home kitchen” in the California Retail Food Code and allows the sale of potentially hazardous foods directly to consumers in private homes. The measure takes effect January 1, 2019 and allows jurisdictions – city or county – to opt-in to permit these entities. CHEAC Staff will release a one-pager detailing key provisions of AB 626 notable to local health departments in the coming weeks.
CHEAC will issue a bill chart detailing final actions taken by Governor Brown after the September 30 deadline for governor action on bills.